Sunday, November 21, 2010

Im making a photobook. How can i change a pictures resolution?

Im trying to make a photobook, however every picture that I put in has poor quality and it says to get a picture with higher resloution. Is their anyway I can change the pictures resolution or is it because of my camera? I have a 7.2 mega pixel camera. Someone please help!Im making a photobook. How can i change a pictures resolution?
You asked: ... %26quot;Is their anyway I can change the pictures resolution or is it because of my camera?%26quot; ...%26quot; (I'm going to ignore the spelling errors here, although it pains me greatly to do so.)

First, there's nothing at all wrong with a camera that can shoot at 7.2 MP. (The problem here is that you're not shooting at 7.2 MP because, obviously, your file sizes are much smaller than that.)

Second, no, unfortunately you can't make an image that was shot at a very low resolution/file size bigger without a HUGE degradation in quality -- which you definitely don't want in a photo book.

Sorry, but those pictures are no good and can't be %26quot;fixed.%26quot;

In the future -- as fhotoace was saying -- set you camera's quality at the highest possible settings. You never, never, never want to shoot at your camera's lowest settings! Because if you do, you might as well have bought a much cheaper camera in the first place.

Sorry we don't have better news for you with these pictures.Im making a photobook. How can i change a pictures resolution?
What you have now is what you have.

In the future, shoot your images using your cameras highest resolution settings. This will ensure you can get excellent prints. If you later want to send out image files, you can re-size them, but be sure you save them as a different name so you don't overwrite the original.

You may want to buy a couple of 2GB memory cards so you don't run out of image recording space.

Telling us you have a camera with a 7.2MP sensor is not enough. ... we need to know the brand and model number of your camera so we can be specific.