I have a couple of hundreds of time lapse pictures with the same resolution, and i need them to be 640 x 480. Is there any software for that, or how can I do that. Thank you very much.How can i change the resolution of 100 pictures at a time?
Download from above image resizer.
Select the pictures you want to resize and right cklick on them.
Select the size you want, the place you want to store them and you're done.
See info here:
Handy and with no loss of quallity.
Have a nice day.How can i change the resolution of 100 pictures at a time?
Sure .. Photoshop CS2 and CS3 can do that with a combination of an action and using Bridge to apply the action to all the files at once. And it is fast and saves the new images as a different file name if you wish ... so you don't overwrite your originals.How can i change the resolution of 100 pictures at a time?
A free and easy way is to download irfanview at http://www.irfanview.com
Besides being great viewer, it has a powerful and easy b-atch processing capability. Open one of the photos, press %26quot;B%26quot; for %26quot;B-atch%26quot;, and select pictures you want, then directory where you want copies saved, finally go to options and select how you want them resized, then go.
P.S. Why in the world Yahoo censors out word B-atch (when spelled normally)???????How can i change the resolution of 100 pictures at a time?
picasa 2 is a free download at google. Once you download it, it will recognize your picture files in certain folders. Then , you select the pictures you want to change, then go to file---Export to folder----select the folder and it will ask you which resolution (you can pick Original Size, or a lower resolution). Easiest method I can think of.