I'm taking a continuing ed class to learn how to use my digital SLR camera. Our instructor said to shoot pictures this week at ISO 200 and a 300 resolution. I have the ISO set but can't figure out the 300 resolution.How do I change the resolution on an XSi camera to 300?
Check your owner's manual. You'll find the correct menu setting there.
It's not difficult but I'm wondering if the XSi does photos at 300. Check your manual and your menusHow do I change the resolution on an XSi camera to 300?
In order to get your photos at 300dpi which I assume is what your instructor is talking about you need to resize them in an editing program like Photoshop. You camera can not be set to shoot at 300dpi since this is a printing term and doesn't really have anything to do with the camera.
If you look at your pictures in an editing program you will find that they are something like 3000x2000 pixels at 72dpi. If you go into an editing program you can resize them to be say 8x12 inches at 300dpi. Your camera can not do this though. The reason why you see them at 72dpi is that is all a computer monitor can display at.How do I change the resolution on an XSi camera to 300?
I don't believe you can adjust the resolution - which I believe is PPI, not DPI. If you are taking JPG they come out at 72 PPI, If you are taking RAW they come out at 240 PPI. You can easily increase the resolution to 300 in an editing program like Photoshop but I don't think that was the point of the assignment.