i have kodak and photoshop 4.0 that i use for my photo library.How do i change the resolution to where it can come out as 4 by 6 picture?
use photoshop and change it to any multiple of 4:6. like
400 pixels by 600 pixels, or 800 by 1200. Anything 4:6 will work. and then you can scale it to 4:6 inches when you scale it. In photoshop go to image info or something, i dont remember, and change the image size, either to 4:6 inches, or any multiple of 4:6 in pixels and then scale it before you print it.How do i change the resolution to where it can come out as 4 by 6 picture?
No no no no. Don't ever mess with resolution to make a picture smaller. You are messing with the quality of your photo.
Just tell your printer what size you want it (common practice) and it will print it at the required size. If you have a photo printer, set the paper size to 4 by 6 and print at 'fill page' or size it up to 100% of the paper. Often printers have an optical crop option so you can actually see what part of the photograph you will be printing.