Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Are you having any problems with the new Razr V3i?

Just purchased a V3i at the mall, the picture quality is awful only when taking pictures with the phone closed...its pixelated and you can actually see the squares on your face! Also I can't hardly hear the key pads and when playing back video's i literally have to tell everyone to shut up so I can hear it. By the way I know how to turn up the volume and all that. I also changed the picture resolution and it still doesn't do anything. ANyone else having issues with this new phone?Are you having any problems with the new Razr V3i?
I think you should just take it back to the mall or whatever you bought it from and change it with another Razer v3i.... i don't have Razer but i have Samsung A900. I bought it about a month ago and the first 2 days i was having alot of problems with it like it would freeze and stop alot then i exchanged it with another Samsung A900 and it work fine now..Are you having any problems with the new Razr V3i?
i have one, but i seem not to have any problems? i htink there awesome
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